Sunday, April 17, 2011

So I got the new Atmosphere album and have to say it's worth the purchase. Slug, the rapper behind the group, is a conscious rapper and I have to say this is his most mature album to date. This moves exactly onto what the albums title suggests, "The Family Sign." An album album what many people go through having families and I find this to also be his most accessible to people.

Now when people come up to you and say that rap is all about smoking crack and beating bitches, you tell them about this guy and rappers like him. Prove those idiots wrong.

Here's a song from his new album. Sort of funny video. Enjoy!


  1. Never heard about atmosphere. The tune sounds awesome.

  2. haha rad song, that kid is such a pimp!

  3. Atmosphere is a very talented rap artist.

  4. "If it spills, I'm gonna clean it up!" haha great video, thanks for sharing!

  5. atmosphere is amazing i've been listening to them forever

  6. Pretty sweet song, and that teacher is a hottie

  7. Neat-o. Rap fans are growing up, so without a doubt, rap must also become more mature.

  8. be recommended these guys before.

  9. Not my music, but not bad. Not bad :)
